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Nishant Neuro Mobile guidance terms and conditions

What is Nishant Neuro mobile guidance?

Nishant neuro mobile guidance is aimed at guiding patients and relatives with neurological problems regarding their expected course of treatment and helping to provide them directions to take in their treatment journey.

How do I use Nishant neuro mobile guidance system?

Step 1: Add the number 9818301096 to your phone.

Step 2: Message the following heading : Nishant neuro consult followed by the patients name/age/sex/location followed by the patients complaints and reports.

Step 3: You will receive guidance regarding your problem for free within 24-48 hrs.


What Nishant Neuro mobile guidance will not offer.

Nishant neuro mobile guidance is not going to offer the following:

- Do not send voice recorded messages. 

- No medication will be prescribed. This is a guidance system. Prescriptions cannot be given based on this consultation. But we will guide you regarding the expected course of management for your problem, locations for treatment, tests that you may beed and expected surgical or medical treatment options. 

- Please do not call on this number for guidance. 

- This is not a service for emergencies.

- There is no responsibility from Nishant Neuro if adverse events occur during the waiting period for the reply or if the patient is unsatisfied with the guidance. This is a free service to provide direction to patients and attendants to help their treatment journey. Nishant neuro will not be responsible for the course of the disease that the patient has and takes no liability or responsibility regarding the same. 

- Nishant neuro clearly states that the receipt of a reply within 24-48 hrs is the usual time in which a reply may be given. There is no guarantee of a reply provided. Since the volume of messages is so high, there may be messages missed due to human error. Nishant neuro holds no responsibility or legal bind to provide any reply to the consumers message or any time limit in which it should be provided. 

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