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Are you suffering from back pain?

you're not alone. Back pain is a common reason to go to the doctor. Back pain is a major cause of disability at work and worldwide disability. Most people have back pain at least once in life, for which back pain medication has to be taken.

Fortunately, there are a variety of different methods to prevent or relieve episodes of back pain. Back pain in 90 percent of people can be cured without surgery. In this article, I will give you simple information about various topics of back pain, so that you can get the right treatment for your back pain.

Question about back pain:

1) What are the causes of back pain?
2) Can I understand my back pain and identify its cause?
3) back pain syrup
4) Exercise / Workout for Back Pain
5) Which back pain needs surgery?
6) What is surgery for back pain?
7) Who performs back pain surgery?
8) Back pain surgery losses, damage and risk

1) Causes of back pain

The human back is made up of a complex structure of muscles, tendons, discs and bones, which work together to support the body and enable us to move around.
Problems with any of the parts of the back can cause back pain. Sometimes in cases of back pain, the reason for which part is causing pain is not clear. Back pain can occur due to stress among these other parts, due to injury, due to diseases that harm the back, and sitting or standing in a bad posture.

Back strain / strain / strain
The frequent causes of back pain are:
• Stretched muscles or tendons (tendon)
• Muscle spasms (spasm)
• muscle stretch
• Damaged disc / disc injury or damage
• Spinal fractures due to an accident or fall

Stress or cramps in the back can be caused by:
• Raising something improperly
• lifting something that is too heavy
• Move suddenly and incorrectly

Structural problems

• Broken discs: Each spine (vertebra / vertebra) is cushioned by a disc. If the disc bursts, there is more pressure on the nerve / nerve, which causes back pain.
• Bulging Disc: A bulging disc can exert more pressure on a nerve in the same way as a broken disc.
• Sciatica / sciatica / Sciatica: In Sciatica disease, a sharp and shooting pain passes through the buttock and through the back of the leg. This pain is caused by a nerve compression or herniated disc.
• Arthritis: Arthritis or osteoarthritis can cause problems with joints in the hips, back and other places. In some cases, the space around the spine becomes narrower. This is known as spinal stenosis.
• Abnormal curvature or curvature of the spine (scoliosis): In this disease, the spinal cord becomes abnormally teddy. An example is scoliosis, in which there is a tilt of one side of the spine. Similarly in kyphosis / kyphosis there is abnormal tilt or curvature of the spinal cord.
• Osteoporosis: Bones, including vertebrates of the spine, become brittle and porous, leading to fracture even from peak injury.
• Kidney problems: Kidney stones or kidney infections can cause pain like back pain.

Operation / movement / posture / posture
Back pain can be caused by some daily activities or by staying in a bad posture.
Examples include:
• Turning the back incorrectly
• coughing or sneezing loudly
• • More muscle stretch
• bending awkwardly or for a long time
• Pushing, pulling, or lifting something heavy or holding it for a long time
Long standing or sitting
• Extend the neck forward, such as while driving or using a computer
• Drive for long hours without resting
Sleeping on a mattress that does not support the body and keeps the spine straight

other reason
Some diseases can cause back pain:

• Cauda Equina Syndrome: Coda equine is a bundle of spinal roots originating from the lower end of the spinal cord. Symptoms may include a dull ache in the lower back and upper buttocks, as well as numbness in the buttocks, genitals, and thighs. Sometimes there may be disturbances in the function of latrine and urination.
• Spinal Cancer / Toomer: A tumor on the spine can press against a nerve, or destroy bones that cause back pain.
• Spinal infection / infection: There may be a spinal cord infection. T.B. in spinal cord (tuberculosis / tuberculosis / tuberculosis) can be a disease that occurs in many people in our country.
• Other infections: Pelvic inflammatory disease, bladder or kidney infection may also cause back pain.
• Sleep disorders: Individuals with sleep disorders experience more back pain than others.
• Ringworm / shingles / shingles: An infection that can affect the nerves can be a cause of back pain. It depends on which veins are affected.

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